How to Choose Between Offline vs. Online Accounting Software

June 15, 2022

Welcome, you number crunchers, to the age-old dilemma – offline versus online accounting software. Choosing the right accounting software for your business can be a challenging task. Thankfully, we’re here to help.

Offline Accounting Software

Offline accounting software is installed on your computer and runs locally. Here are some of the pros and cons of offline accounting software:


  • No Internet Required: You don't need an internet connection to access your financial records, which is a great advantage when your internet connection slows down or goes down.
  • One-Time Payment: Once you buy the software, you own it for life. There are no ongoing fees, which can be beneficial for small business owners.
  • Data Security: Since offline accounting software stores your data locally, it may be more secure than online accounting software, as your information is not vulnerable to hackers' attacks or data breaches.


  • Limited Access: Offline accounting software is only accessible on the device it’s installed. This means that you can’t access your financial records when you're not on that particular device.
  • No Automated Backups: Since offline accounting software stores data locally, there are no automated backups. Manual backups need to be performed, which can be time-consuming and often forgotten, putting your financial records at risk.
  • Costly Data Recovery: In case of a system crash, data recovery can be costly, and sometimes data can even be lost.

Online Accounting Software

Online accounting software is a web-based application that can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection. Here are some of the pros and cons of online accounting software:


  • Accessibility: Online accounting software can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection, which means that your financial records are available to you 24/7.
  • Automated Backups: Online accounting software automatically backs up data; therefore, there is no risk of losing financial records.
  • Scalability: Online accounting software can grow with your business, and additional functions can be added at any time.


  • Ongoing Costs: Online accounting software is subscription-based, so you need to pay monthly or yearly fees. This can be a burden for small businesses, especially in the start-up phase.
  • Internet Connection Required: You need a reliable internet connection to access your financial records. Poor internet connectivity can disrupt your workflow.
  • Data Security Risks: Online accounting software stores your data on the cloud, making it vulnerable to online hackers and data breaches.


When considering offline vs. online accounting software, you need to assess your business's financial requirements, budget, and security needs.

Offline accounting software is an excellent option for businesses that don't require remote access and can afford to pay for data recovery in the event of a system crash.

Online accounting software is an ideal solution for businesses requiring remote access, automated backups, and scalability. However, it's essential to choose a reputable provider with excellent data security measures.

In conclusion, there is no right or wrong choice when deciding between offline and online accounting software. It's all about selecting the software that aligns with your business needs.

We hope this blog post has helped you make your decision. For more information on accounting software, visit our website's reference section.


  2. Capterra
  4. Forbes

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